Nightwatch Productions 5011 Tenny st. Lansing MI 48910
Some things you probably never even thought of
It is rare that all these items are followed in any given event but the more you can adhere to them, the more likely your party will be going at the end of the evening.
Are you or is someone you know having a
Wedding Reception?
- Don’t put the older guests next to the dance floor/speakers
- Do not be surprised it there are complaints about the volume if you do. Click on the Floor Plan button to see examples of where the DJ should be located in the hall.
- Don’t cram your entertainment out of the way
or place guests between them and the dance floor.
- A “too small” dance floor is better than one that is too big.
The answer is simple as it creates the illusion whether real or not that the floor is full. People are more likely to dance when the crowd on the floor is dense than when they feel like they only ones out there.
- Darker is better than lighter for dancing.
People feel more comfortable in dancing when the lights are low
- Keep exit doors closed (NOT LOCKED).
Doors are inviting and you don’t want to invite people outside of the main room. Having them open allows more light into the room which again works against the psychodynamics of the dance floor. Open doors invite people to their cars in the parking lot. You want to keep their focus in the reception room for as long as possible.
- Nicer places, (country clubs etc.)
Actually make it harder, especially in the summer and fall months to get people up and moving because they are so pre-occupied enjoying the scenery.